Thursday, 23 April 2015

A journalist, my father Peter Rakobowchuk for The Canadian Press, erases own legal daughter

Peter Rakobowchuk a.k.a. Peter Ray, reporter for The Canadian Press, Montreal - Part II - Aiming Higher
 Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray, reporter for The Canadian  Press in Montreal, my EX-HUSBAND, Father of GISELLE  (part 2)

My daughter and I have found out on the net that us, together with the years of our family life with ex-husband, Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray are missing from his life as if we had never been a part of it. Peter and his second wife, Patricia/Pat Enborg are still trying to keep the facts of his first marriage, child, divorce concealed from everyone...

After the wedding of Peter Rakobowchuk a.k.a. Peter Ray and Agota Szabo with our two witnesses at our wedding, Peter's brother and his wife.

Some years later with the Rakobowchuk family, Peter with Giselle, his first child in front
Gerry the best man at our wedding in the back

...and keep secret also:
how and where did Patricia/Pat Enborg's get her husband (or rather mine), together with all my belongings...

Why do they have any of my past there...why didn't the send them to me when I was living in Ottawa?

Patricia Enborg bullied Giselle, her stepdaughter a lot on Twitter

...and then, just recently lied on her on blog to caver up the real fact of when she actually worked on Parliament Hill

Patricia/Pat Enborg and my husband, Peter Rakobowchuk met, working both as reporters on Parliament Hill. 

She had Peter send us, his first legal wife and child out of her way, appropriated everything I had there, including my husband, then they moved far from Ottawa leaving our daughter and me in Europe with 

NO MONEY to go back with NOR A HOME to go back to in CANAD.

Later Patricia became Peter's wife and hoping for real fame and fortune she had never got, pushed Peter into politics only to become his political campaign manager.

Forward to the Past

Peter Rakobowchuk reporter for The Canadian Press in Montreal, my EX-HUSBAND, Father of GISELLE (part I)

Knowing well, for a candidate of a School Board Commissioner a previous marriage, divorce, an abandoned child, a second wife would look bad in the eyes of Catholic Quebec voters, Patricia inspired Peter Rakobowchuk to lie publicly for political and financial gains.

In 2008, presenting himself as the "ideal father, family man" Peter Rakobowchuk was seeking election as School Board Commissioner in Ward 15 LBPSB. He boasted of many things about himself but concealed his lying about having only two children, keeping secret his first, Canadian, legal marriage, family, wife and child he had abandoned in the eighties and left in Hungary, secret from the community, voters, friends peers all these years.

With us living in Europe 
then, social media still quite undeveloped Peter Rakobowchuk dared to lie and declare that he had only two children, wnich means nobody knew anything about us, his first legal, Canadian family nor his past married life with us.
Peter Rakobowchuk a.k.a. Peter Ray defamed his own daughter and the mother of his first child, his first legal wife. Our names, reputation, have been shattered ruining our lives and Giselle's whole future.

Patricia Enborg second wife of Peter, communication expert must have written the slanderous lie and put it up on the LBPSB website to begin a very long smear campaign we had no knowledge of until recently.

This PUBLIC, slanderous, lying statement of Peter Rakobowchuk was then used to defame me and my daughter to discredit us, by sending the link of this site to chosen order to avoid legal actions and criminal charges in Canada. Likely, it was/is Patricia spreading lies about us from The Canadian Press e-mail (IP) addresses of Peter Rakobowchuk or Peter Ray and reserved this preposterous lie on the website of LBPSB for six years to assure it'd stay accessible and readable ANY TIME, ANYWHERE specially in Hungary and Canada for people they chose to inform like journalists and politiciansOne of the worst lie was that Giselle was not from Canada but was a Ukrainian or Russian refuge. They like small towns like my hometown as they look down on people living there (especially Eastern Europe) thinking them really gullible and backward to believe anything written by a "Canadian god of the Olympus of journalism" She probably never wears her husband's name because she is ashamed of as it is NOT ENGLISH it's too "Eastern" sounding.

Beginning of the correspondence below between Giselle and her father Peter Rakobowchuk a.k.a. Peter Ray.

After years of my daughter's and my defamation on the Lester B. Pearson School Board site LBPSB the page was changed in September 2014, but still NO RETRACTION, NO APOLOGIES and NO CORRECTION as of today (October 2014) that he has THREE children, including his first, legal child from his first legal marriage with his first legal wife, Agota Szabo.

Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray"The Canadian Press" reporter's articles, photos are being continually published in mainstream media, giving their LIES credibility, but ruining Giselle's and mine. Patricia/Pat Enborg as a former journalist.must be calling upon all her old contacts to help her. She must also be doing Peter's internet work as he lacks even some of the very basic knowledge (just like many older reporters) of the net as his conversation with Giselle, his daughter proved it.

Why else would a reporter use two different names at the same company, at the same time? It is unheard of, as unusual, as a father denying the existence of his own, natural, legitimate, grown up daughter, to keep up the web of lies he and Patricia Enborg have been living for years and built a life on in the unsuspecting small community of Kirkland, Quebec..

The truth

Peter Rakobowchuk reporter at The Canadian Press, Montreal) was for years legally married to Agota Szabo (Canadian-Hungarian artist), divorced years later. He is the natural, legal father of Giselle, FIRSTBORN of his 3 (THREE) children. NOT TWO. 

I met Peter Rakobowchuk, who, under the pseudonym Peter Ray, worked as news director at CKO Vancouver news radio, (from where he was fired for a racist comment he made on the air) while I was working in Vancouver as modelling director for the legendary Marie Morton at the Jerry Lodge Talent Agency. 

All these happenings; the campaign, their lying, our defamation were unbeknownst to Giselle and me so we didn't do anything about his preposterous lie.These two encouraged by that have, just recently tried to get into higher politics. Patricia (Pat) Enborg, herself got into the limelight as campaign manager of her husband when he ran for office seeking election as Councillor for District 8 in the town of Kirkland. 
Patricia (Pat) Enborg forgot to mention in the Kirkland Citizen newspaper  that Peter Rakobowchuk did not in fact live in District 8, she only admitted it after voters' complaining about that fact...her very lame excuse was: people didn't ask.
She does not mention that she IS the second wife of the candidate, Peter Rakobowchuk.

Who knows they might never have gotten married officially:

    April 23, 2009. 

    The Gazette also writes "veteran radio reporter Peter Ray cited his wife" Pat Enborg being Peter Ray's wife, not a word about the prestigious Canadian Press writer Peter Rakobowchuk.

      Peter Rakobowchuk have, for years, appeared quite often as Peter Ray photographer, videographer, reporter working for The Canadian Press. The two names even appear together in some cases as if they were two different persons.

This same journalist, Peter Rakobowchuk alias Peter Ray, my ex-husband has been hiding on Twitter ever since our daughter, Giselle started tweeting in early 2012
Peter claims his Twitter is a journalist's account for The Canadian Press, but accessible only to a few people.

                                                                @Peter_R_Space's Tweets are protected.
The Space Guy for The Canadian Press.         Only confirmed followers have access to @Peter_R_Space's 
ALSO reporting major news events in the
province of Quebec to the rest of                   Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to         Canada and the world                                    send a follow request
.     Montreal,Canada
      Joined July 2009

Tweet to Peter R. Rakobowchuk

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